This report was intended to be published in April 2023 to document the impact of the coup crises on women groups and WHRDs in Sudan, with wider scope of documentation of the status of women rights in the country between October 2021 and April 2023. But the report publication was postponed due to the escalation of security unrest since early April. On the 15th of April, the war erupted in Khartoum. This report is laying an overview of the conditions of women rights and gender equality in Sudan as an extended crisis started on October 25th, 2021, when the military took over the power in Sudan, ending the transitional period on a bloody note. In this report we decided to include the events of the period before the war of April 15th to provide an in-depth understanding of the extended spectrum of the crises Sudanese women are facing for the last 22 months. This report is produced through an extensive mapping and documentation expanded for almost two years to analyze the implications of the evolving crises in Sudan on women movement and women rights in the country. During the military coup, we interviewed more than 100 WHRDs and women leaders across Sudan. Following the war, we interviewed and surveyed more than 80 WHRDs and 50 women groups from May to August 2023. We have also interviewed survivors of SGBV from different areas and first responders working with those survivors. The purpose of the report is to present verified information about the crises scope, context, and responses from a gender perspective. We investigated the numbers of atrocities against women rights, the extends of inclusion of gender equality in the responses to the crises, and the resilience experiences of women groups and WHRDs in Sudan. Through this report, we provide insights on the needs on the grounds, the challenges, and the recommended interventions according to local actors and women activists. We present this report to support the decision-making processes of stakeholders and international actors concerned of the impact of this crises on women and girls. The recommendations shared are built on the mapping and surveys we conducted since 2021 that included over 250 women activists and over 70 women groups across Sudan and the Diaspora.